Why do Unicorns surround themselves & do business with the RIGHT people?
You want to work with people who uplift you. People who push you. People who have your best interest at heart. Unicorns are about #PeopleNotProjects, and relationships with people we have a genuine connection with are EVERYTHING.
People say, “it’s not about what you know but whom you know.” This is true in the sense that the people you know can open doors for you with opportunities that take your business to the next level. Whom you know and work with can have a MASSIVE impact on your results and the success you have in your life.
The people we surround ourselves with have a great deal of influence on us.
As Jim Rohn says, “We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.”
So, whom we spend the most time with is incredibly important.
If we spend time with negative people who bring us down, don’t support our goals, and don’t push us to be the best version of ourselves, we will never succeed. This applies to our personal and professional lives.
If the people around you don’t believe in you, it becomes harder to believe in yourself. But if they do, amazing things can happen.
“Surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it in yourself.” — Edmund Lee
Do business with people you know, like, and trust. 
When it comes to business, you want to ensure you work with people you like and trust. Because if you don’t, it will make work a terrible experience.
Additionally, you could find yourself in deep trouble if you work with someone you can’t trust if they make decisions that negatively affect you. You could face legal trouble, run into customer issues, lose employees, and ultimately waste a substantial amount of time.
When you trust someone with good intentions, not only does it help you avoid those things, but it can also give you the freedom to give them the reins on things.
- You can delegate more effectively.
- You can collaborate with them on a project.
- You can confidently speak with them knowing they won’t go behind your back sharing private information.
The list goes on and on with the benefits of working with people you trust – the right people, that is.
Surrounding yourself with people in a community can be a delightful experience.
As long as they have the following:
- Standards that you support
- Aligned missions
- Similar interests
- Strong values
So, how do you identify and surround yourself with the right people?
It starts with your WHY.
Why do you do what you do?
Why are you here?
And what is your purpose?
When you can articulate the answer to these questions with passion, you have the groundwork for identifying the things that are most important to you.
Identify your standards and core values, so you know what to look for in people as you make new connections. Look at joining a group, community, tribe, company, or club. These should align with your mission, vision, goals, and purpose.
- Write them down.
- Review them regularly.
- Understand deeply why you chose what you chose.
- Then, make them KNOWN.
- Share them with the world!
- Make it abundantly clear whom you want to surround yourself with and put it out there!
By doing this, you will attract those kinds of people. They will come flocking to be in your network of people because they will align with what you have to say. They will love it! And so will you.
Finally, and potentially the most critical part of all, is not to shy away from these things. Own them. Be comfortable and confident with them. Be authentic to yourself and the elements you’ve created about whom you want to have in your life, and run with them. Spread those Unicorn wings and FLY!
Not everyone is going to be a fit, and that’s OK.
It’s normal to find out that someone isn’t a fit.
You might be disappointed at first, but they just might not be a fit right then. But staying strong and holding to your standards of what you’re looking for in other people will ultimately create a more enjoyable lifestyle. And that is why this is part of the Unicorn DNA because unicorns who surround themselves and do business with the right people will find themselves in a community of joy.
Our mission is to ‘foster a community of unicorns creating joy.’
We accomplish tremendous achievements by working together in our community with an aligned vision to succeed. We do it collaboratively to connect people with solutions, access, and resources to take your business to the next level, freeing YOU to live a lifestyle of more JOY.
And that is how, together, “We Make the Unbelievable Achievable!”
If you’d like to join our “blessing” (group of Unicorns), we’d love to meet with you! Schedule a meeting with a Unicorn passionate about connecting with like-minded people today! Just click here.
We hope you have a MAGICAL day!
Together we can do anything! 🦄🚀
Absolutely! 🙏