About Unicorn Universe

We are a community of purpose driven business owners passionate about working together to create new opportunities that make a positive difference and impact the world to create more joy.

The Unicorn Team

Dedicated to making connections that create exponential growth for your business and freedom to do what you love.

Daniel Knight

Chief Executive Unicorn
As a master of strategic operations, Daniel is a natural business leader. He excels at developing systems and procedures that streamline businesses reaching their goals. Daniel is a proven leader with experience in sales, marketing, operations, and finances.

Nico Scegiel

Unicorn Project Manager
Nico Scegiel, Unicorn Project Manager, is here to make sure the projects we're working on with our Climbing and Top of the Rainbow members get completed on time. She helps schedule meetings, facilitate introductions, coordinate projects, roles, assignments, and much more.

Michael Gray

Chief Creative Unicorn
With over 20 years of experience as a master connector, Michael is passionate about creating powerful connections that create exponential opportunities. As a creative genius, he develops brands that tell a compelling and visual story.

Dan Griffin

Unicorn Ambassador
Dan Griffin, our Unicorn Ambassador is specifically here to support people with Dream Discoveries and make appropriate introductions to people in our network. He’s also focused on getting to know each of our members at a deeper level to facilitate the weaving together of the most magical connections.

Jelene Wilkinson

Unicorn Community Fairy
With over a decade of copy writing and editing experience, Jelene is a true wizard of the words and is here to showcase the stars of our Community! She works with our members to help them get their message in front of our community in all the magical ways you can imagine.

Russel Ladios

Unicorn Executive Assistant
Russel Ladios, our Unicorn Executive Assistant supporting our executive team and community on the backend as a vital member of our team to ensure everyone stays informed and connected in magical ways.

Dave Waltzer

Wicked Awesome Unicorn
Dave Waltzer, founder of Wicked Awesome Happy Hour, an incredibly magical networking group, is here to serve you as our "Wicked Awesome Unicorn"! He can help you figure out the best membership level for your business and so much more!

Debe Black

Chief Strategy Unicorn
Debe Black, Chief Strategy Unicorn at Unicorn Universe, is a sales maestro with 30 years in retail tech, traditional, and digital media. Masterfully blending art and science in sales, she's revamped teams and crafted strategies that drive growth. Expert in SaaS, digital advertising, Debe's Arizona life sees her hiking, gardening, and pampering her pup.

The Community

Unicorn Universe is an exclusive community of business owners dedicated to creating powerful connections. We are focused on making a positive difference in the world and creating strategic alliances that increase our impact. As such, we are very picky about who becomes part of the universe. If any of these sound like you, you might be a Unicorn

  • You surround yourself & do business with the right people.
  • You’re open-minded & strive for continuous development.
  • You’re honest and ethical with genuinely good intentions.
  • You’re able to let go, have a good time, and be yourself.
  • You look for opportunities to create joy in others lives.
  • You know what you stand for and stick to your beliefs.
  • You want to impact the world and make a difference.
  • You are uplifting and have a positive outlook on life.
  • You live abundantly and look for ways to add value.
  • You’re not worried about what other people think.
  • You want to collaborate to build a better future.
  • You are creative and open to new perspectives.
  • You’re driven to accomplish your dreams.
  • You value meeting new people.
  • You are accepting of others.
  • You’re naturally reciprocal.

What We Do

Unicorn Universe makes connections taking businesses to the next level by facilitating strategic alliances through Joint Ventures, Strategic Partnerships, or plugging in solutions for whatever a business needs. Our network of high-quality businesses collaborate to develop new opportunities and we provide strategic recommendations to connect in ways that generate massive growth and huge time savings to give freedom business owners to do what they love the most.

Book a Dream Discovery to Find Out How to Join Unicorn Universe