What is a Unicorn Connector?
“Six degrees of separation doesn’t mean that everyone is linked to everyone else in just six steps. It means that a very small number of people are linked to everyone else in a few steps, and the rest of us are linked to the world through those special few.” -Malcolm Gladwell.
So what Malcolm Gladwell is talking about relates to connectors. Today we are going to talk about you, the Unicorn Connectors.
Unicorn Connectors are what we call people who bring others together that synergize in magical ways, and typically, who have the Unicorn DNA.
People in this world who resonate with the term connector understand the value of bringing two like-minded individuals together. And you, as a Unicorn Connector, are here to understand how you can make the biggest impact in the world by bringing people together and being compensated for those connections that you make.
So many times, an individual brings two people together and doesn’t get compensated for it in any way other than perhaps a thank you, or knowing that they did something good. And that’s great. Don’t get me wrong, I think that that is beautiful. And there is a place for it. And it is absolutely necessary in order to drive progress in the world. This drives innovation and collaboration. It drives people to create magical things and opportunities that do make this world a better place.
I firmly believe that if you know the right two people to connect, you should do it. Because you never know the kind of impact that could have on somebody’s life. The right connection could save somebody’s life, could create something amazing in this world. So if you know the right two people to connect together, you must do it! It is your duty, your obligation to bring those people together, because of the impact it could have on the world.
Sometimes, it takes quite a bit more work and energy to make it happen than you would have ever imagined. Sometimes, bringing those people together can be like pulling teeth. Sometimes you don’t actually even know who the right connection is for a person, but you believe in what they’re doing and you want to make that connection for them.
So you go to town! You go out there and you make those connections, and you do everything you can to make it happen until one day it does. And the right people get together and make magic. And when that happens, magical things unfold! This is what we’re talking about. When you bring together two like-minded individuals who share similar core values, beliefs, missions, and visions, and are on a similar path, see things eye to eye, and ultimately understand the value of collaborating so much can happen in so many different ways. And sometimes it takes a lot of work to make that happen.
So how does that work for you? How many of you have brought two people together who ended up creating a business? Or one joined the other’s business? Or they decided to start sending deals back and forth to each other? And money was generated?
Okay, maybe it wasn’t a ton of money. Or maybe it was. Maybe it was millions of dollars, maybe they created an entirely new business that generated hundreds of millions of dollars or billions of dollars. And how did that work out for you? How much in certificates of appreciation did they give you? Probably not a lot. Possibly not ANYTHING.
And why? Simply because you didn’t set anything up in advance. And that is where a lot of the problems like this start. When you don’t have that conversation upfront. Many connectors don’t want to talk about money. So it doesn’t ever come as a result of the amazing connections they facilitate.
Because how do you go to somebody and say, “Hey, you know that guy I introduced to you and said that you guys should chat because I think sparks will fly?” Right? And sometimes you could see exactly how they could align and you even tell them, “Hey you guys should get together because I think that your businesses could help each other out tremendously”. Boom! A joint venture happens! Boom! Partnerships are created! Strategic partners are made! Boom! Collaboration! Boom! Cross promotion on marketing! Boom! Money is made. And that’s amazing. The work that you’ve done as a connector was work that was successful. Congratulations.
You might get lucky and have them say, “Yeah, thanks! Can I take you out for dinner?” Sure. Oh and by the way you made how many millions of dollars on that deal?
You’re not going to ask now. What are you going to do? Jump in there and say, “Hey, can I get a piece of the pie?” “Sure. I’ll buy you a pie”. “No, can I get a piece of the pie?” Nope. Even if you did ask, “Hey, can I get a piece of the pie?” and the conversation went further, might it not go something like this? “How much do you want? 5%? No way. 10%? Not a chance. 1%? Look, man, that’s a lot of money. All you did was bring us together.”
“All you did was bring us together.”
Let me ask you something. If you really didn’t do anything. What would they be doing right now with that person? Nothing. How much money would they have generated together? None. Where would they be today if you didn’t bring them together?
Right where they were before you did.
So when you, as a connector, bring two people together and magic is made…
You deserve to be compensated for that.
For that magic.
You deserve to be taken care of.
And you deserve for that to be done in financial ways.
And we’re not talking about taking you out to dinner. Come on.
So how do you do it? Sometimes having that conversation in advance can be a challenge on its own and really put a damper on the relationship.
Sometimes it can put you in an obligatory place that you’re not even capable of fulfilling. And end up damaging that relationship.
So what if there was a way that you didn’t have to have that conversation, but you could still make the magic happen? And get compensated when revenue is made?
Well, this is where Unicorn Universe comes in.
What we’ve created is a system for connectors to get paid on the deals that get made.
And we’ve established partnerships with companies that we can introduce to the people that you meet, to help make that magic happen.
We already do all the partnership talk ahead of time, because that’s our business model.
So you find somebody looking to make some magic, and you get them in a conversation with us and we’re going to connect them with one of our partners, and you’re gonna get paid when money is made. It’s that simple.
Because at the end of the day, when revenue is made, connectors get paid. That’s our mantra.
And the magic behind that is that the person that the magic is made for or the business that’s looking for a solution gets an introduction to a business that provides the solution.
The business providing the solution ends up getting a new client who’s paying for a product or service.
That business says thank you with certificates of appreciation, AKA dollars, and they pay Unicorn Universe.
Unicorn Universe pays whoever sent us that connection. You, the connector, therefore, get paid anytime revenue was made. Simple as that.
But as we just talked about, there really is a lot more that goes into it.
You can’t expect that revenue will be generated from making a poor introduction. You can only introduce somebody to so many of the wrong people before they say, “Stop. You’re wasting my time.”
And you don’t want to waste their time.
You don’t want to waste the partner’s time.
You don’t want to waste your time.
And we don’t want to waste our time.
So making the right introduction is everything.
Sometimes you know exactly who that person is.
But sometimes you don’t. So when you’re looking for that guy who provides a service that your connection is looking for, you can say, “Hey, go talk to Unicorn Universe. They’re gonna connect you with the guy that does XYZ. And I know they have a few guys that can help. So they’re gonna connect you with the right solution.”
And that’s the magic behind Unicorn Universe.
Anytime we connect somebody that you connect to us, you will get paid when revenue is made as the connector every single time. Doesn’t matter if it is a year from now, five years, 10 years, 20 years, 50 years, maybe you’ve died.
Okay, fine. Who does that money need to go to? Our model is designed to pay connectors every time revenue is made. That’s what it’s all about. That’s the magic. That’s the magic that we’re talking about.
Our mission is to foster a community of unicorns creating joy. And you as a Unicorn Connector help us accomplish that mission by introducing us to people who are looking for solutions to a problem, looking for opportunities to develop a new product, or looking for a way to free up their time by creating a partnership and offloading some of the work that they don’t like doing.
When we align people in their businesses that are looking to solve a problem, and we find the right solution for them, then that creates more joy.
That unlocks opportunities to live a better lifestyle.
Think about the things that you do in your business that you really don’t enjoy doing. How much do you want to do those things? Not very much at all.
So imagine, you could get paid to refer that business out and let somebody else do those things you don’t enjoy.
And spend the rest of the time that you would have spent doing those things, doing things that you love to do instead. More magic, more joy, more happiness, more time, more freedom.
So connectors, you, the Unicorn Connector are our everything. This business is built around you.
You might think that our partners are everything to us. The partners are providing the solutions.
You might think that the clients needing the business are everything to us. The clients generate revenue.
You might think that it’s the people in the community that are everything to us. They help us find solutions and opportunities, and ultimately, are part of the community that’s fostering unicorns, creating joy.
But connectors are the glue between it all who say,” Hey, I know exactly who to connect you to. I know exactly how to help you right now. We were just learning about this on our connector call.”
“Go talk to Unicorn Universe. Let’s get you set up with a Dream Discovery. Because they are going to dig into your dreams, figure out where you are, and identify what the solution is to whatever is holding you back from achieving your dreams.”
“And they’re gonna get you there. They’re gonna get you the solutions that you need to take your business to the next level and free you up to do the things you love the most and live the lifestyle of your dreams”.
And together that is how we make the unbelievable achievable.