Unicorns help create more joy new opportunities golden connections strategic alliances a greater impact

The Unicorn Tool Box

The most important part of your success is your dream lifestyle.

When you are clear about what your happiest life looks like, you can build the business that supports that.

Get access to powerful tools that will help you discover and launch the perfect strategic alliance for your business. You will get clear about your long-term goals, the roadmap to reach those, and the right partners to search for to help you get there faster.

Whatever your business needs to succeed, we have the resources for you to create the right solution.

What's Included

When you join Unicorn Universe, you get access to various tools including…

Deal Making Tools

All the agreement templates and discovery guides you need to find and create the right strategic alliances so you can accelerate your growth, maximize your revenue, and increase your impact in the world.

Dream Building Tools

Tools and resources that help you design your happiest life and align your business to support that. When you choose to live a life of joy, you will find the right partners to help you make that a reality.

Connection Creation Tools

Guides to creating powerful connections with other business owners who are aligned with your core values and mission. Tools that help you create relationships of trust right away.

Climbing & Top of the Rainbow members
get access to these tools - Included with Your Membership

Golden Connection

What is your “Golen Connection”?

This is the single connection that takes your business to the next level with consistent deal flow, clients, or solutions to areas that can generate massive revenue increases for your business. 

Deal Analyzer

What is the Perfect Deal?

It all depends on your needs and what is going to make the biggest impact for your business with the least amount of resources. Find out with our Deal Analyzer to maximize every opportunity!

Rainbow Roadmap

What are your Plans & Objectives?

The Rainbow Roadmap is a comprehensive workbook to outline your plans for; Sales, Growth, Operations, Marketing, Finance, HR, and all the other aspects of your long-term business plans.

D.R.E.A.M. GOAL Worksheet

Your most important goals deserve to be…

D – Dreamable

R – Respectable

E – Extraordinary

A – Absolute

M – Magical

The greater the goal, with action items and determination, the more satisfied you will be…

when you accomplish the goals you DREAM of!!!

Every Business Needs Solutions...

Drive Business Growth with Tailored Solutions from Unicorn Solutions Planet

Unicorn Universe has established partnerships with companies that provide high-quality, trusted, and vetted solutions to provide businesses with the absolute best solution they need for whatever problem they are trying to solve. 

When you are sent to one of our trusted Unicorn Solutions Partners, you’ll have confidence that they are the answer to what you need the most right now with the support of Unicorns to ensure everything goes exactly as anticipated. 

We are here for your success and if you need an alternative or additional solution, we will make the connection to help you grow.